January 11, 2012
If peeing your pants is cool, then my kids are the coolest.
Yes, both of them peed their pants today. Pearl has this horrible, disgusting habit of refusing to go the bathroom in the morning. She can go hours and hours after getting up and unfortunately for her, she didn't make it in time today at school. We have implemented a new (er, old but apparently forgotten) rule... you have to go to the bathroom before leaving the house for school.
Then it was Fern's turn. He came running over to me while I was making dinner, babbling something, and grabbing his pants. I picked him up and felt wet everywhere. Then I saw a puddle and realized he had managed to pee through his shirt, pants, socks, shoes, and all over the floor. Cole also got reminded of an old rule, no playing with your-you-know-what!
Didn't realize C was potty trained...congrats!