January 16, 2012
My attempt at holding weekly Family Home Evenings hasn't been faring too well. You might roll your eyes when I say this, but coming up with a lesson is hard for me. I'm not as organized as I think I am or as I once was. And if I get really honest with myself, I just don't put in the effort I should to get organized. So, A Year of FHE to the rescue. I figure I can mooch off of another, more righteous mother's quest to keep her children spiritually safe and copy - er, simplify - her weekly lessons. She even has a monthly theme, for crying out loud!
Tonight we made a family tree. A much more simplified - and a week behind - lesson than what was planned but I think it was a hit. Pearl was super excited every time we said one of our ancestors' names that had the same name as one of us. Even Cole got in on the action, scribbling all over our tree and erasing half of our family's names with his sleeve.
Had NO idea about that website. It's bookmarked now!!