January 27, 2012
We got a visit from 4 of our favorite people today! My cousin Bryan, his hilarious and sassy wife Chandi, and their two pipsqueaks, Andlie (3 years old) and Haze (7 months) were up for the weekend for a couple of job interviews. They live in Cedar City so we don't see them as much as we want, but it's pathetic that it's been TWO years since our get-together! Especially because we love hanging out with them!
When we were first married, Bryan was going to USU and living with my Grandparents for a year before his mission. Since I worked nights, Bry-guy became Jeff's basketball buddy. Little did Bryan know, dinner and basketball games would eventually turn into "moving buddy." More specifically, moving my 1-ton cedar chest moving buddy. Bryan has NEVER let me forget THAT move. Phfff... so what if the stairs were tiny and narrow? think it pert-near killed him... until he mentioned tonight he wanted to do a weigh-off between my cedar chest and Chandi's. Ha!
Bryan has always the "cool" cousin. Everybody loved being with him! Chandi is so hilarious!!! I love her. Andlie is so well-behaved, I couldn't believe it! We didn't have a single fight between her and Pearl. And oh my gads, and they have the cutest baby Haze ever, with his chunky thighs and chubby cheeks! I couldn't get enough of him!
We ordered pizza, made cupcakes for Kimmy's 24th birthday (sheesh when did my sister get so old?), and just hung out. It was so much fun and I was really sad to see them leave. So if anyone out there has any spare prayers you need to use up, pray Bryan gets a job offer and moves closer to us!
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