January 26, 2012
Seeing as how Cole has yet to remove this beanie today, it seemed only fitting that we take him to the basketball game tonight.
I'm serious. The kid put his "haa haa" (think long a sound here) on first thing this morning and wore it all day.
He did amazing at the game! I was bracing myself to not watch any of the action because I figured he'd be running up and down the stairs, whining, and bored. But Cole has more of his Dad in him than I want to admit. He happily munched away popcorn and stared wide-eyed at the basketball court for all but the last five minutes or so of the game. And had it not been for the little girl behind us who gave him a sucker and thought it hilarious that Cole copied everything she did, I think he would have made it the entire game on our laps.
I'm resigned to the fact that we're going to be getting three season tickets next year or I'll never get to go to a game again.
So sad they can sit through sporting events but not sacrament meeting!