Thursday, August 16, 2012

Wedding advice

August 13, 2012
When I woke up this morning and realized I had planned a bridal shower for one of my friends at work and it was TODAY, I almost cried.

Ok, I did cry.

I feel like my life is a train about to derail.

I wrote a list of what had to be done today. My list had seven things on it. 1. Go to the grocery store to get stuff for a Texas cake. 2. Bake a Texas cake for the party. 3. Buy Whitney a bridal shower gift with the theme "wedding advice" in mind. 4. Get to the office in plenty of time to set up for the bridal shower. 5. Remember to feed my kids lunch. 6. Don't let Blu pee on the carpet. And 7. Bake lasagna for dinner.

You'd have thought today would be under more control seeing as how I planned all of the to-do's on my list weeks prior. But nope. I ran around like a crazed mad woman. I totally forgot about utensils for the dessert bar, made the bride bring and set up her own decorations, and caught the dog peeing on the carpet once. But my kids ate lunch, I got the cake baked and frosted, made dinner, and gave Whitney some pretty good wedding advice if I do say so myself.

The advice (accompanied with an Our Best Bites cookbook) was the same advice my Grandma Allen gave me when I got married. She gave me a cookbook from her little hometown Panaca, Nevada with an inscription that read, "Kissin' don't last but cookin' do! Try to follow the example of your Grandma... ha ha ha!" You have to understand that my Grandma hates cooking even more than me. I remember one time when she cooked dinner for us growing up.

But you know what? She was right. At some point every husband gets this crazy idea that their wife should actually do something "wifely" like make them a hot cooked meal. Crazy I know. It took me a long time to figure out that Jeff would be happier if I fed him. So I told Whitney in a few years when the "kissin" had slowed down to dust off the cookbook and give it a try.

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