Monday, August 13, 2012


July 30, 2012
It all started this morning.

I had upped my life insurance policies at work and they had to come and do some blood work and vitals on me. You know, to prove I'm healthy and worth another $10,000. Lame.

I'll be blunt honest. I know I'm fat. But I've been getting up at my least favorite time in the day to go run and I've been fairly diligent about it. I even went early this morning before my appointment... and I had to keep fasting afterward until all the blood work was done. With that being said, when I had to get weighed as part of my appointment, I was kind of hoping the scale would surprise me. It didn't. Which didn't bug me too horribly until after when I calculated my own BMI... because we all know that's what the life insurance company will be doing. Heaven forbid they fork out any money for a fat person who dies, even if they are exercising.

For the first time in my life, my BMI was "overweight." Even if it was by just 0.4. It was still overweight. My heart sunk. It was embarassing and very, very discouraging. I'm pretty sure I will not be getting up to work out tomorrow.

So I pouted all day about how fat I've become. I mentioned something to Jeff about it, hoping he would tell me he was proud of me for getting up early in the mornings and that he thought I looked better. Or at least say nothing. But he was honest and said we'd both gotten fat. Surprisingly, I wasn't mad at him, just sad that it was true. He could tell I was really bummed and said he'd take the kids to the store for something he needed.

I continued to pout as I did the dishes, vacuum, and pick up toys. Then Jeff called and said Pearl was asleep in the truck and he needed my help getting the kids out. Fine.

Well, when I walked outside, I saw both of them running around the front yard yelling, "Surprise! We tricked you Mom!" Jeff had bought me a new patio set we'd seen earlier that week. Apparently he knew I needed a pick-me-up after our conversation. Plus, it was half-off and already assembled!

It was very sweet. And I sat my fat butt right down in one of the chairs and had a nap!

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet! What a perfect time for a surprise. I think you look amazing and at least you didn't fall into the obese category like this stressed out, over fed, under exercised mother did. I understand the BMI pain all too well.
