Monday, August 20, 2012

Mud socks

August 18, 2012
My Mom's side of the family got together today at Bear Lake. Everyone was there but five of my cousins (and their spouses). I can't even remember the last time I saw some of them, let alone all together!

Since the lake is still pretty high from last year's wet winter and spring, the beach is well. Muck. The water is warm but getting to it requires trekking through decaying willows and methane gas filled mud.


But Pearl and Ruby love it! They proudly displayed their mud socks to everyone after  sloshing up and down the murky beach. It's a good thing we're all family, 'cause they stunk afterwards! 


  1. Oh yeah, everyone except 5 of your cousins? What about your freaking SISTER?!

  2. Kimmy, I counted you as one of the 5! Oops on the cousin part. There was you, Ben, Megan, Tony, and Paul missing.
