Sunday, June 3, 2012

Party day

June 2, 2012
Since Cole and Pearl's birthdays are only a couple weeks apart, Jeff and I decided long ago to ride the combined-birthday-party-train for as long as possible. We figured it's better to be completely broke, utterly exhausted, and our kids totally spoiled once instead of twice. So with a ballerina party this morning and a family BBQ this evening, you'd think I'd have gotten one decent picture of the two birthday kids together. Or at least a family picture.

But it didn't even cross my mind. 

And since it doesn't really seem fair to post just a picture of Pearl or just one of Cole, you'll have to take the only shot of them together. Blowing out their candles.

Happy birthday Pearl and Cole! I sure hope my pipsqueaks had fun today because I am exhausted, I've never seen so many dishes in the sink before, and my feet and legs hurt so bad that I can barely walk!

1 comment:

  1. I NEVER remember to take pics during the kids' parties. What with the planning, implementing, and clean up, there's no time! K's is this Friday and I am so not prepared.
