Friday, June 29, 2012

An epic day for our country

June 28, 2012
Today is an epic day for America. Whether you agree or not, it's a day that our country will remember for a long time. It changes everything.

I promised myself when I posted about the Supreme Court ruling the Affordable Care Act constitutional, I'd be nice about it and to the point.

I do not agree with everything in the Affordable Care Act or what the Federal Government does.

I fully admit I do not understand all the financial costs and scenarios that come as a result of this ruling.


I believe health care is a basic human right.

I believe our country MUST begin shifting from a health care system that "keeps slapping band-aids on a gushing, bleeding wound" to preventing that gushing bleeding wound in the first place. Wellness - which the ACA has millions of dollars for and many, many provisions on but which NO ONE seems to remember in the discussions - is a proven way to save lives and save money.

I believe it's time for American's to stop being so selfish. No one wants to help anyone else who is different from than themselves and yet, when they need help, they expect everyone - including the government - to swoop in and save them. Think about it. Most folks making comments about how the ruling is, and I quote from a friend's Facebook status, "the day the American dream died" have never been poor enough to worry about a medical disaster ruining their lives, or if they should buy medications or food for their kids, or have a job that does not offer affordable insurance. (BTW, health reform should be called health insurance reform... it is not true health reform people!)

I believe that it is the right thing to do to pay for something that everyone deserves to have access to. I personally enjoy having schools for my children, roads to drive on, state and federal national parks to enjoy, clean water, and so many more things that our taxes provide for. And speaking of taxes, no one seems to be outraged that we are required to pay a slew of other taxes already to the government and/or private industry... car insurance, mortgage insurance, property taxes, etc., etc., etc. Paying taxes so everyone can have access to health insurance is no different. And we pay for this care whether we all pay for it or not... that's why so many without insurance end up in the ER where they can't be refused care. And who pays for it? Us. Tax-paying Americans.

So, yes. Today is an epic day in our country's history. Whether the law survives in the future is unknown. But today, our country wins an enormous victory in finally doing something - anything - to ensure every American a basic human right. Health care.

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