Saturday, February 11, 2012

Long season

February 11, 2012
It's very, very hard to say this. Our basketball sucks. And ironically, our football rocked this season. Sure they have moments of glory but overall they have no "balls", no heart, no toughness. When the pressure gets hot, they get cold and give up. Like today, against New Mexico State. I thought we had it but we lost in the last two minutes of the game because we have don't have a single player with enough heart (or muscle... please recruit someone other than a scrawny white guy next year, Stew) to take it upon himself to win.

It's been a loooong time since Aggie fans have seen any losses at The Spectrum. Let alone multiple loses at home in one season. It burns when we lose. And quite frankly, most of us have no clue how to handle a loss. The only consolation prizes today was a date with Jeff (with no kids), Big Blue coming down our isle, and Wild Bill dressed up as a pig from Angry Birds. If you haven't heard, Wild Bill retired after last season and multiple health problems but promised fans to dress up for two ESPN games this season.

I miss Wild Bill. If we keep sucking it up, he's going to be the ONLY reason I finish out the season.

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