February 26, 2012
Jeff and I had a camp out last night. We pulled our mattress out into the living room and had a sleepover. It wasn't some extravagant date night like you might be thinking though. Jeff spent all day Saturday painting our bedroom so our furniture was strewn all over the dining room. By the time he finished and we got the room vacuumed, he was too sore and tired to put our bed back. So out into the living room we went.
It was fun. Until the kids woke up and had breakfast in OUR bed (powdered doughnuts... probably not the best move on my part) then proceeded to jump on OUR bed. If you'd ask Pearl though, she would plead it wasn't technically jumping on our bed. More like jumping from the couch onto the bed. There wasn't any actual jumping up and down on the mattress.
They had a blast. And I didn't have the heart to tell them to stop... I secretly wanted to do it too.
as much as it pisses me off on the actions - this is a good shot!