Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mustache tickle

September 19, 2012
Aunt Vickie came down to Salt Lake for a day of shoe shopping, eating, and visiting. We pulled the kids out of daycare and went to the Red Iguana for lunch. I couldn't believe my in-laws had never been there before. It's a Salt Lake City landmark.

Then we drove all over town looking for these very specific sandals Vickie wanted. I laughed to myself because the shoe obsessed gene really does run in Jeff's family! Jeff, his sister, his mom, and I hear his grandma all had it. Vickie was appalled that I really detest shoe shopping. I don't totally hate it. It's just not the way I want to spend five hours of my day. Too bad too because she would have bought me any pair I wanted.

After a few hours of recovering from all the shoe excitement - and watching Jeff and his Dad put the trim on the shed - we went to Nielsen's for custard.

And mustache tickles. Every time my kids see Jeff's Dad, they tickle his mustache. Jeff still tortures his Dad with a mustache tickle too. The funniest part about it though, besides seeing Cole giggle with delight, is that my kids think my Dad will laugh when they do this to him. He doesn't.

Glad I finally caught this sweet moment on camera.

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