April 8, 2012
I failed to document all the excitement from the Easter Bunny. I just wasn't in the mood to tell my kids they had to wait another second to see what was in their baskets while I put in my contacts, went pee, and adjusted the camera. Sometimes you just have to live in the moment... camera-free.
I know shocking coming from me.
So you get a picture of almost the full aftermath. Two baseball gloves, baseball bat, T-balls, USU Cheerleader outfit, car (that I have no clue where it is now), Leap Frog game, and three boxes of fruit snacks. Pearl was highly disappointed the Easter Bunny didn't bring her "much stuff" like the phone she thinks she should have... "to call Uncle Kurtis" with... and the fact that I refused to allow her to wear her new cheerleader outfit to church today.
And poor Fern. He wasn't allowed to take his new baseball bat and ball to church either. What a mean mom I am! Next year I think I'll tell the Easter Bunny to just put a bag of carrots in their baskets.
At least your Easter Bunny brings presents. Ours just brings candy and a little token gift! I'm trying to keep the focus on the resurrection, but somethings get lost in translation!