Saturday, March 3, 2012

Once there was a snowman

March 3, 2012
I love my husband.

Not only did he get up super early with the kids and then let me sleep in - I am still pretty stuffy and hoarse - he took two extremely bored kids outside to play in the snow. I'd bought a couple of snow toys and thought they'd make some sort of fort with them but when I peeked out the window, I saw Jeff rolling a massive ball of snow. Pearl and Cole were trailing behind him, walking on the grass.

They zigged and zagged all over the yard and I chuckled to myself at the thought of how he was going to stack these huge snowballs on top of each other. Well, between Jeff, myself, and our neighbor Vickie, we managed to get them stacked. I found two red potatoes for eyes, a scarf and hat, and some licorice for a mouth to complete Mr. Snowman. Jeff found a PVC pipe and random pole for arms and then sneaked Pearl's mittens on for hands.

It was a lot of fun watching these three. And it sounds cheesy, but it made my heart melt to see Jeff building a pretty-impressive-if-you-ask-me snowman with our kids.

Too bad Mr. Snowman won't be sticking around for long though. Mother Nature has warmer temperatures in mind over the next couple of days.

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally impressed! The snowman I made with the kids yesterday wasn't even three feet high. In my defense, I had no one older than nine to help me lift heavy balls of snow off the ground. :)
