Saturday, May 26, 2012

Drummond Maple

May 22, 2012
After the massive wind storm back in December, our yard has looked, well, like a disaster hit it. Our poor damaged pine tree is still clinging on and that darn thing has been sprouting new growth on it's branches!

Eventually the rest of that bad boy is coming down.

Since we have absolutely no shade our back yard now - which is ironic considering when we bought our house we had to take down a small forest of overgrown and ill-cared for trees-  we hit up a local nursery tonight. We walked up and down the isles of flowers, shrubs, and trees looking for something unique.

And then we saw it.

A Drummond Norway Maple.

By definition from E.C. Brown's Nursery's website: Acer platanoides 'Drummondii'. A large handsome tree with conspicuous clusters of yellow flowers on bare stems in April followed by eye-catching pale green, deeply lobed deciduous leaves with a wide cream margin.

We'd never seen it before and knew it was the one. Now if we can just hold out a few years until it's big enough to make up for the shade we're missing from a 70+ foot tall pine tree.

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