Sunday, November 25, 2012

He's back

November 25, 2012
Guess who's back and keeping a close eye on us to see if we'll be naughty or nice for Christmas?

Buddy the Elf.

And he really is magical because I plum forgot that he was supposed to make an appearance when we got home from our Thanksgiving weekend.

Once in a lifetime game

November 24, 2012
Here's proof that I sat in Romney Stadium for four cold hours at the end of November to watch a football game. (And I let my Aggie-crazed husband run out onto the field with thousands of his closest friends to mob the football players and coaches.)

And not just any ole football game.

A once-in-my-lifetime (literally) game. Victory and outright WAC Championship, with a record 10 wins this season. I have to admit, letting Jeff buy me a season ticket was more fun than I thought it would be.

Minus the Logan winter temperatures of course. 

Logan River Parkway Trail

November 23, 2012
I decided it would be nice to take the dog on a brisk walk along the Logan River Parkway Trail.

It was until Blu realized there was water and I wouldn't let her jump in it.

Card sharks

November 22, 2012
I must be a Jewkes if I'm posting a picture of my card game victory instead of the gluttony eaten earlier in the day with 27 of my family members.

Oh sure the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, veggies, rolls, and pie was awesome. And the company wasn't so bad either.

But the real memory this Thanksgiving came after everyone went home and I told my Dad to break out the Hell cards.

Then I was out voted. Pffff. Everyone wanted to play a game of strategy, Pitch, instead of a profanity-laced, hand slapping, no mercy game of Solitaire on crack cocaine.


After relentless harassment about my inability to remember the rules of Pitch (let alone possible strategies), I was about ready to throw in my cards and call it quits. I really don't like Pitch. But then I was dealt a hand I knew I could get at least three points with. I decided to shut everyone up and break out the big guns.

Strategy this family... not only did I get my three big points, but I went on to sweep all seven game points and come from behind to tie for first place overall. All with a single hand! Boom!

Who's the card shark now?

(After my shocking win, everyone gave in and played a few rounds of Hell... ah, I love my family!)

Pies, pies, pies!

November 21, 2012
I may or may not have had a slight meltdown tonight after chopping 5 lbs. of apples, making a double patch of pie pastry three times, and then rising, rolling, and baking two of the four dozen rolls I was assigned to bring for Thanksgiving dinner.

Of course, having a house full of sick people (myself included), a dog who wanted to go on a walk, hungry children, dirty laundry needing to be done, and bags waiting to be packed for a weekend out of town didn't help the situation either.

Utah State fans

November 20, 2012
If I was one proud momma yesterday, today Jeff would be one proud papa.

I overheard Cole playing and walked in to see him marching around with a megaphone in hand. Shouting, "Utah State! Hey! Aggie all way! Go Aggies!" I laughed. Then thanked the heavens that he wasn't yelling profanities at me, the field judge, or the opposing team. Uh, hum. Jeff.

Then he picked up an imaginary rope, held it as high above his head as he could and told me, "Big Boo rope, Mom!" Meaning, Big Blue was coming down the rope at the basketball game.

It's not apparent that we're Utah State fans, is it?

Proud momma

November 19, 2012
We had a big day today.

Pearl passed off her last "green" book and is now reading chapter books at school! She is very, very, very, very, very (repeat 100 zillion times) excited about this accomplishment. We breezed through her first chapter book, even after explaining we could take a couple of days to read them if we needed to. Now instead of us just signing her calendar that we read every night, Pearl has to do a short book report on the chapter book she's read.

I am very proud of her.

And then my four-legged "child" passed her 7-week obedience class. I'll admit, by the second week I figured it would be impossible. And even though Blu can't come or stay very well and gets horribly distracted by people on our walks (and she still pulls on the leash), she can now sit, shake, stay (if it involves a treat two inches from her nose), "leave it", "drop it", "take it", and knows that when I yell "uh uh" it means she is doing something bad. Oh, and she can rollover. Only dog in her graduating class to master that trick!

I am one proud momma today of all my children, two-legged and four!

Childhood memories

November 18, 2012
Does anyone else remember sitting on their mom or dad's feet and begging him to walk you around?

I do.

And now, so will Cole.

Helping hands

November 17, 2012
The kids each earned $1 for "helping" Grandpa rake leaves today.

Helping being the operative word in that sentence!

50 lbs.

November 16, 2012
This big brute weighed in at a whooping 50 lbs. today!!!


That's 15 lbs. more than the last time we went to the vet... less than a month ago.

I was shocked. So was the vet tech. We were guessing low 40's not 50's.

Apparently I'm going to have to cut back on the love and Iams dog food or Blu is going to be 100 lbs. before I know it!


November 15, 2012
Since I can't remember what happened today, nor can I figure out what picture I might have taken, you get a picture from the future.

I was about to take Blu on a walk, when I heard a little voice begging to come along. I made him promise that he would walk the entire way with no whining. Well, after wandering up and down mounds of dirt, chasing some ducks, and finding a really, really big tractor to climb on, my little tag-a-long was pooped and I gave in to his pleadings to be carried home.

Luckily the other tag-a-long with the waggly tail didn't need to be carried home too.

Every boy needs a dog

November 14, 2012
Every boy needs a dog.


November 13, 2012
Just chillin' with my Fern.

Gads, I love this boy!

What happens when Mom gets bored

November 12, 2012
I was so bored today that I made dinner at 4:00 p.m.! Right in the middle of our afternoon cartoons.

It was just one of those days when I didn't want to clean one more thing, the laundry was miraculously already done, and the only things I wanted to do involved money or no kids at home.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Scents of the season

November 11, 2012
With a single whiff I was instantaneously thrown into the holiday spirit.

No boys allowed

November 10, 2012
We decided to give the kids their own rooms again. Not that we have many other options in our small house. It's just that every night Cole was throwing hellatious fits and keeping everyone from going to bed. Plus, it seems like most of my time is spent trying to keep Pearl from tattling or whining about Cole doing something and Cole from hitting Pearl. It was time to part ways. I was a teensy bit sad about it though because my brother, Jesse, and I shared a room until I was about 11 and I loved it! We made up all kinds of quiet guessing games for those nights when we didn't want to go to sleep.

But Pearl loved the idea. I guess she is getting to be big enough that boys and especially little brothers just aren't cool anymore. As is evident on the sign she posted on her door, even before I'd finished dejunking, cleaning, and organizing their new rooms.

"No boeys aloud. Only my Dad and Cole."

Translation: "No boys allowed. Only my Dad and Cole."

I guess boys and little brothers aren't totally uncool yet.

A little behind

November 9, 2012
We're a little behind on our Thanksgiving/blessing tree this year.

It's barren.

But on the bright side, I did find some paper and cut out all of the leaves today. Hopefully by Thanksgiving we've gotten at least one blessing written down.


November 8, 2012
Why some days I wake up to a head full of curls I will never know.  Probably something to do with out-of-whack hormones.

What I do know is, it sure makes for an easy morning when I can just scrunch some gel in my hair and go! And with days like I've had this week, I'll take anything I can get to make life simpler.


November 7, 2012
If putting your BFF (best friend forever for my mom) in a choke hold and then pummeling her is a sign of affection, then Blu is one loved puppy!

We "boated!"

November 6, 2012
We actually "boated" as Cole said (translation, "voted") last week. Early voting with no lines rocks! But seeing as how today marks a significant event in our nation's history, I thought I'd save this picture for today's post.

Now, I've refrained and been really, really nice about all this politics stuff this time around. Even my answers to Pearl's questioning about who I want to win and if I'll be sad if he doesn't win have been carefully chosen. But... when it comes to the President of the United States, there are a few things I need to say.

#1 just because someone happens to practice the same religion as myself does not mean I have to vote for him. Nor does it mean I am a bad member of my church if I choose to vote for someone else.

#2 I can think of at least a dozen things that could happen to our country that would be worse than the outcomes of this election. Like an alien takeover for example. "The end of America" really? Really?

#3 no matter who you voted for, you will respect the office of the President of the United States. Nothing gets me more irked than to hear people bashing - even borderline racist- our current President. In the words of my friend's strong Republican grandfather four years ago when Pres. Obama was first elected, "He may not be my man but he's my President."

#4 I really think the loser should get automatic bid for Vice President. Now that would be real bipartisanship and working together. Side note. I really do feel bad for whoever loses... the thought of all that time, energy, and self sacrificed for one's country is humbling and I think they should get 2nd in command.

#5 what's up with the electoral college anyway? It's confusing.

#7 there was more than just the President of the United States on the ballot. I believe one man can't possibly be to blame for an entire country's problems. Sure, they make decisions, they lead, but we also elect an entire Congress of morons (not to mention state and local leaders) who are the real powerhouses in this country.

#8  do people really believe Obama is evil? Maybe this was just a Utah Mormon thing but I was floored at the comments people made about Obama being down right horrible. Really? Do we really think any President has been pure evil? I believe America to be a chosen land and have faith that God and my fellow citizens will elect just and honorable men to lead us. Think about it. Where else in the world can we make a free choice about electing one of two well educated, God-fearing, and family men? We are pretty lucky.

#9 Imagine what problems we could fix if all the candidates stopped spending the billions of dollars they raised for campaigning and instead gave it back to the country. 16 trillion dollar debt? The worlds' most expensive health care? I think not!

#10 I'm pretty certain breaking out my beloved Aggies' "Winning Team Losing Team" chant would tick off my "American is coming to an end now" Romney supporting friends.

Eh. What the heck! Go Obama!!!

Gourmet meal

November 5, 2012
Life feels a little crazy.

Work is way, way too busy. We lost one of our management staff to a new job. I mean, who wants to make more money and lessen their workload? Pffff. So I'm taking on a bunch of other projects and working more hours until we figure out what's going on. Which means we get home late and I stress the entire drive home over what I can cook in 45 minutes because I barely remembered the mutt and I have obedience class tonight. Oh, and did I mention I haven't been to the grocery store in a week?

Little Ceaser's Pizza Pizza to the rescue!

Now, don't get me wrong. I do love me a take-out pizza but when the kids scream and jump for joy as if they are eating the only gourmet meal they have ever or will ever have, that's getting personal. The nights I actually spend hours prepping, cooking, and cleaning up after a real gourmet meal and they shriek in horror like I'm trying to poison them.

I don't get it. Eh. It doesn't matter anyway because I don't have time to worry about it!

Blueberry pancakes

November 4, 2012
Don't judge.

I let Pearl (and a wishful puppy) eat her blueberry pancakes in the T.V. room while watching cartoons.

All-day Aggie date

November 3, 2012
Jeff planned an all-day Aggie date today.

Perfect weather for a football victory.

Perfect atmosphere for a basketball victory.

And then Aggie ice cream. Yum. Lemon custard and Aggie blue mint. The perfect ending to the day.

Hula hoop

November 2, 2012
Blu's favorite outside toy, minus the trampoline, is the hula hoop.

It's hilarious actually.

She flips it up and over her back, grabs a hold of it with her teeth, and then runs around the yard with it bouncing under her tail.

She better enjoy this trick now because I have a sense that Mother Nature is about to dump winter upon us. That, and the fact that in a few months she is going to be about 100 lbs. too big for it.


November 1, 2012
My new hash tag on Instagram - which by the way, I should really just rename this blog to Jenny's life on Instagram because I never take pictures with my real camera anymore - is #trainingadogsucks.

It dawned on me tonight that anyone lucky enough to see me taking Blu for a walk, must think I'm completely nuts. You see, every time Blu pulls on the leash, I'm supposed to yell, "uh uh" and then wait for Blu to either sit or turn back to me. Then we walk two steps and repeat. For the entire walk. If she doesn't start to get this whole "walk without pulling on the leash" thing soon, I just might give up.

Or if it becomes winter for real.

Friday, November 2, 2012


October 31, 2012
This is quite possibly the most ridiculous thing I've seen all year.

Let's pray we don't top it with actually eating all of this candy.

Timeout oops

October 30, 2012
Cole got sent to timeout tonight.

Which isn't a big deal considering the kid loves timeout (no, seriously he does) and is there at least 15 times a day.

He had grabbed Pearl's pajama bottoms as she was trying to get dressed. Then grabbed her shirt and threw it out into the hall.

Highly unacceptable behavior in my mind.

Until Jeff came back to read books and asked Cole why he'd been sent to timeout. When I explained what unruly thing he'd done, Jeff started laughing. Then confessed that the night before he'd done the exact same thing to Pearl, teasing her so Cole could "win" at getting his pjs on.

Hmmm. I wasn't sure if I should send Jeff to timeout or not.

Long day

October 29, 2012
This picture pretty much sums up my day.

Oh sure, it started out just fine.

I woke up. Fought with the kids (and dog) to get ready for school. Made lunches. And sweetly drove to Jeff's office to bring him lunch.

Then I got a phone call.

I forgot my eye doctor appointment. I mean, who schedules a doctor's appointment on a Monday morning (sheesh). No big deal though, we can reschedule it for later this afternoon.

Then I remembered I had a meeting at that exact same time. So it was back to the rescheduling for a little earlier this afternoon than I had hoped for.

I finally get to work, sit down at my computer, and see a frantic email from the neighbors. The dumb dog has somehow managed to rip or chew her head collar off. The one apparatus keeping me from spending even more money on her because she might lick her incision open.

Sensing this was going to result in an emergency trip to the vet with a bleeding dog, I rushed back home to check on Blu. Well, first stopping at the vet's office to buy a new head collar. By this time I was also wondering if we had even locked the front door before we'd left for the day. After getting Blu situated and talking to the neighbors about checking on her (and screaming at the dog for jumping on me like crazy), I turned to leave. Only then realizing that I'd locked the back door and couldn't get into the garage. Then I remembered the front door just might be open. Whew.

Rush back to work. Eat my lunch. Answer a few emails. Then head back towards home for my eye doctor appointment.

Get my exam, have my eyes dilated, and drive back to work with those funky, "why yes I went to the eye doctor today" glasses (I really need to buy some nice sunglasses) for my 3:00 p.m. meeting. By the time I left work today, it was after 5 p.m. and I'd only worked a whooping total of four hours... and just barely too. Just in time to run home, grab anything edible for the children to eat for dinner, and go to obedience class (ironic considering earlier events in the day) sans Blu. She's on doctor's orders to not be too crazy.

Comical, really.

The Cone of Shame

October 28, 2012
I think I hate the "cone of shame" (UP reference... if you haven't seen that movie, watch it!) even more than the dog.

And I am fully convinced they took out more than just her "womanly" parts as Jeff calls the female reproductive system. Like her brain! She has completely regressed with any training I had done and is a wild, jumping, out of control, run-into-the-back-of-your-legs-with-that-dumb-head-collar, mutt.

This could prove to be a very, very long week.


October 27, 2012
I am totally jealous of my 6 year old niece's birthday cake.

I mean, she doesn't have a unicorn collection and she gets a unicorn cake? Er, I mean, a "battle stallion" cake as Jeff called it.

My childhood was so deprived.

Date night

October 26, 2012
I don't even care that my date has ketchup on his face from dinner, spilled his ice cream, and refuses to talk to me.

I'll keep him.

Surgically altered

October 25, 2012
Blu had a rough day today.

So did my checkbook.

She got spayed, vaccinated, micro-chipped, and licensed.

But it was worth the $300+ when I read her discharge papers. "Surgically altered?" Seriously? That's what the vet called getting spayed? I mean, I will admit my stupidity in thinking they would do a similar procedure like they do with women and not take out all of her female reproductive organs, but "surgically altered?" My first thought was, "Did Blu have a sex change?"

When I showed Jeff the funny, he asked me, "Is Blu a cat now?"


We Remember Every Day

October 24, 2012
October is an emotional month for me at work. For the past five years, we have published a book of stories of teens who were killed on Utah's roads. We hold a Family Remembrance Event for all of our families a few days prior to the public release of the teen memorial book. And then a press conference to release the book to the media and general public.

Today was that day.

Not only do I have the stress of pulling off our biggest press conference of the year, but I have the emotional journey of greeting, hugging, crying with, and helping the families who speak and who attend. And the media's always urgent requests.

The press conference was beautiful. We had candles all over the room, flickering in the dim light as our speakers told of their grief, heartache, and message to other drivers. I've grown accustomed to crying in front of my coworkers, boss, and boss' boss' boss now after working on this project for five years. The most humbling, emotional, and rewarding project I have ever been involved with. But my words do little compared to the families who share their loss with us.

If you have teens, young drivers, soon-to-be-drivers, or a driver license yourself, take the time to read these stories. Your life may never be the same. I know mine isn't.

"We Remember Every Day: Stories of Teen Lives Lost on Utah's Roads in 2011" can be downloaded from